We serve patients on a "first come, first served" basis.

Hospitality Apartments has a total of 46 fully furnished apartment units. Unfortunately, the demand for these apartments far exceeds the supply. Therefore, we maintain a waiting list on a "first come, first served" basis.

Any patient who knows of an upcoming need can ask to be put on the waiting list.

Please read below to learn about eligibility for a stay and how the waiting list works.


Patients being treated at a health care facility in the Texas Medical Center area are eligible for an apartment (minimum stay of two weeks, maximum stay of three months), provided they live more than 50 miles away from the Texas Medical Center and will have a caregiver (family member, friend) with them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, during their entire stay at Hospitality Apartments.

Hospitality Apartments reserves the right to refuse housing to anyone who the management believes would be disruptive to the guests or operation of Hospitality Apartments or detrimental to the purpose or ministry of Hospitality Apartments. Each applicant for an apartment, by making an application, acknowledges this disclosure

To protect our guests, we do not admit guests with communicable diseases.


Apartments are available rent-free to guests. There is a $140 cleaning fee for a cleaning service to clean the apartment after the guests move out. This $140 cleaning fee is payable in cash or check at check-in.

Waiting List

Our waiting list includes contact information for potential guests and a date (need date) when they expect to need the apartment.

Under normal circumstances the waiting list runs two to three months from the time a patient gets on the list to the time a patient actually is offered an apartment. However, due to other circumstances like maintenance, repair, and upgrades, the waiting list can run longer at times.

To be placed on the waiting list, call the office at (713) 790-9120 (Monday through Friday, 9 – 5).

Getting on the Waiting List

To get on the waiting list, the patient, family member, caregiver, or hospital social worker can call the Hospitality Apartments office at (713) 790-9120 and request to be placed on the waiting list. At that time, the following information is needed:

  • Patient name
  • Patient age
  • City and state of residence
  • Home and cell phone numbers
  • Previous stay? If yes, when?
  • Illness
  • Hospital name
  • Patient number (required only for MD Anderson patients)
  • Name and phone number of social worker at hospital (required only for MD Anderson patients)
  • Estimated time of stay in Houston
  • Need date (date apartment is needed)
  • Name and cell phone number of caller
  • Name and cell phone number of caregiver who will be staying with patient

Please review the important information below about staying on the waiting list.

Security Questionnaire

To complete the application made on the phone (713-790-9120), please fill out the Security Questionnaire. The link to the questionnaire is found on the menu to the left. The phone application must be made before filling out the questionnaire.

Staying on the Waiting List

To stay on the waiting list, the patient, family member, caregiver, or hospital social worker must call the Hospitality Apartments Office a minimum of once every four weeks to verify that there is still a need for the apartment and that the need date is correct.

A patient can be removed from the waiting list if Hospitality Apartments is unable to reach or get a response from a patient or caregiver using the contact information provided. Because of the high demand for these apartments, it is very important to check in with us on a regular basis and respond to any of our phone calls.

Failure to stay in contact with Hospitality Apartments may result in removal from the waiting list.

When You're Next in Line

When an apartment becomes available and you are next in line on the waiting list with a current need date, we will contact you to see if you still have a need for the apartment and are ready to move in. If so, we will schedule a check-in time.

If the patient is in the hospital at that time, the caregiver can check in and begin using the apartment.

Please note that if we are unable to contact a patient or caregiver using the contact information provided, we will go on to the next person on the waiting list.

If you are in the hospital, be sure your caregiver is alert to return our phone call.

Alternate Plans

Please plan to have alternate plans for housing in case Hospitality Apartments does not have a vacant apartment at the time you need it.

When our guests come to stay with us, they estimate the time they will be here — up to three months. Based on their treatments and response to those treatments, their stays with us vary. Some will be here just a few weeks while others will be with us the entire three months. The availability of an apartment will depend on where you are on the waiting list and if there are any vacant apartments on or after your need date.

Please talk with your hospital social worker who can give a list of alternate housing solutions.

If we are not able to meet your housing needs on your need date and you elect to stay at a hotel or in other accommodations, we will still call you the moment we do have an opening and you can join us at that time.